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Getting Started

Request limits

Our LinkedIn API does not have any rate limits on the number of requests you can send. However, there is a limit on how many incomplete requests can be handled at the same time for a single LinkedIn account. You can have up to 10 uncompleted requests in progress. Any new requests beyond this will return an error.


  • If you send 5 requests simultaneously, all of them will be accepted and start processing.
  • You then send 5 more requests, bringing the total to 10 active, uncompleted requests. This is fine, and all requests will be processed.
  • If you attempt to send an 11th request while the previous 10 are still incomplete, this request will return an error. You’ll need to wait for at least one of the 10 requests to complete before sending a new one.

Key Points

  • No rate limits, but a maximum of 10 uncompleted requests per LinkedIn account.
  • The 11th request will return an error until one of the previous 10 completes.
  • Make sure your system is designed to handle this limit and retries effectively.