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Retrieve all person data

The Linked API allows you to retrieve comprehensive data about a person on LinkedIn programmatically. You can specify multiple include query parameters to retrieve a combination of basic info, posts, experience, education, and skills.


GET /v1/people


  • url (required, string): The LinkedIn profile URL of the person to retrieve data from.
  • include (optional, string): You can include one or more of the following values, separated by commas, to retrieve specific data:
    • basicInfo: Retrieve basic person information (e.g., name, title, company).
    • posts: Retrieve the person's posts.
    • experience: Retrieve the person's work experience.
    • education: Retrieve the person's education history.
    • skills: Retrieve the person's skills.
  • limit (optional, integer): The maximum number of posts or experience entries to retrieve (applies to posts or experience includes). Default is 10.
  • sortBy (optional, string): Sort posts by either date or popularity (applies to posts include). Default is date.


curl -X GET ",posts,experience,education,skills&limit=5&sortBy=date" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-api-token: your-api-token-here" \
-H "account-token: your-account-token-here" \
-d '{
  "url": ""


  "data": {
    "basicInfo": {
      "name": "John Doe",
      "title": "Software Engineer",
      "company": "Google",
      "location": "San Francisco, CA",
      "profileUrl": "",
      "profilePicture": ""
    "posts": [
        "postId": "123456789",
        "content": "Excited to share that I'll be speaking at the upcoming tech conference!",
        "timestamp": "2024-09-21T12:34:00Z",
        "likes": 150,
        "comments": 20
    "experience": [
        "position": "Software Engineer",
        "company": "Google",
        "location": "San Francisco, CA",
        "startDate": "2020-05-01",
        "endDate": null,
        "description": "Working on the core team developing scalable solutions for cloud infrastructure."
    "education": [
        "institution": "Stanford University",
        "degree": "Bachelor of Science in Computer Science",
        "fieldOfStudy": "Computer Science",
        "startDate": "2014-09-01",
        "endDate": "2018-06-15",
        "location": "Stanford, CA",
        "description": "Focused on software engineering, algorithms, and machine learning."
    "skills": [
        "name": "Python",
        "endorsements": 150
        "name": "Machine Learning",
        "endorsements": 120
  "success": true


  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid or missing parameters.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Missing or invalid authorization token.
  • 404 Not Found: Profile or specific data not found.