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Understanding LinkedIn limits

When using Account API, it's necessary to understand the limitations of your LinkedIn account to avoid potential account restrictions or blocks. While LinkedIn doesn't publish official limits, this guide combines community knowledge and our hands-on expertise.

Account limits primarily depend on two factors: subscription type (Premium, Sales Navigator, Recruiter etc.) and reputation level.

Throughout the article, we divide reputation into 3 virtual levels:

Reputation Level Account Characteristics
New Recently created with minimal activity and engagement.
Established Active for 3–12 months with growing engagement and network size.
Trusted Long-established with a strong presence and proven activity patterns.

While we use these division for simplicity, think of reputation as a continuous gradient rather than fixed categories. Consider Social Selling Index (SSI) as one of the indirect metrics to assess your account's reputation.

Connection request limits

Connection requests are limited on a rolling weekly basis:

Reputation Level Daily Limit Weekly Limit Notes
New ~10-15 ~50-75 Start with 5-10/day and gradually increase.
Established ~20-25 ~100 Standard LinkedIn weekly cap.
Trusted ~30-40 Up to 200 Requires high acceptance rate.


  • Keep outgoing (pending) connection requests under 500 (700 is hard cap) by withdrawing unaccepted requests.
  • Personal notes don't increase limits. Free accounts are limited to ~10 noted invites monthly.
  • Monitor acceptance rates – higher acceptance rates may increase your limits.

Direct message limits

There is no strict limitation, but high volumes trigger spam flags. Here are our recommended limits:

Reputation Level Daily Limit Notes
New ~50 Monitor closely for spam flags.
Established ~100 Moderate and steady pace recommended.
Trusted ~100-150 Requires high engagement rates.


  • Personalize messages to maintain higher allowed volumes.
  • Monitor response rates – ignored messages can lower limits.
  • Consistent engagement is better than irregular bulk sending.

InMail massage limits

InMail messages allow you to reach LinkedIn members you're not connected with. Unlike direct messages, InMail limits depend on subscription type rather than account reputation:

Subscription Type Monthly Credits Daily Limit
Free 0 0
Premium Business 15 ~25
Premium Career 15 ~25
Sales Navigator (Core, Advanced, Advanced Plus) 50 ~25
Recruiter Lite 100 ~25
Recruiter Professional - Up to 1000*
Recruiter Corporate - Up to 1000*


  • Spread your InMails across days even if you have available credits.

Open profile message limits

LinkedIn allows free messaging to users who have enabled "Open Profile" status on their accounts. These message limits scale based on account reputation:

Reputation Level Weekly Limit Notes
New ~100 Start with lower volumes.
Established ~150 Maintain steady sending pace.
Trusted ~200 Monitor response rates.


  • After reaching limits, switch to InMail for continued outreach.

Company page view limits

LinkedIn sets different limits for viewing company pages based on subscription type:

Subscription Type Daily Views Weekly Views
Free ~30-50 ~200-300
Premium (all plans) ~50-100 ~300-600
Sales Navigator (all plans), Recruiter (all plans) ~100-200 ~600-1200
While there's no direct correlation with account reputation, your actual limits may slightly increase or decrease depending on the reputation level.

Person profile view limits

LinkedIn sets different limits for viewing person profiles based on subscription type:

Subscription Type Daily Views Weekly Views
Free ~80 ~560
Premium ~150 ~1050
Sales Navigator ~150 / 1000* ~1050 / 7000*

* Sales Navigator's higher limit (1000/day) applies only when using Sales Navigator interface.

While there's no direct correlation with account reputation, your actual limits may slightly increase or decrease depending on the reputation level.

Search query limits

LinkedIn officially defines Commercial Use Limit (CUL) for search operations, regardless of whether you're searching for people, companies, or other content.

Subscription Type Monthly Limit Daily Recommended Notes
Free 300 ~10 Resets on 1st day of calendar month.
Premium Career 300 ~10 Same as free account.
Premium Business Unlimited - No monthly cap.
Sales Navigator Unlimited - No monthly cap.
Recruiter Unlimited - No monthly cap.
When Commercial Use Limit (CUL) is reached, users receive a notice to wait until the next calendar month (resets on the 1st).
Only business-oriented subscriptions (Premium Business, Sales Navigator, Recruiter) remove the Commercial Use Limit.
Certain search types don't count towards CUL, such as viewing 1st-degree connections, job searches, or searching by specific names.

Search results limits

LinkedIn limits the number of search results displayed within one search session based on the interface used, not subscription type. Here's a comparison between standard LinkedIn interface and Sales Navigator:

Interface People Search Companies Search
Standard LinkedIn 1000 (100 pages × 10) 1000 (100 pages × 10)
Sales Navigator 2500 (100 pages × 25) 1000 (40 pages × 25)
Viewing search results doesn't count towards profile/company view limits. These limits only restrict how many results are displayed per search query.

Engagement limits

LinkedIn counts all engagement actions (likes, comments, shares) under a single daily limit based on account reputation:

Reputation Level Daily Engagement Limit
New ~20-40
Established ~100
Trusted ~150


  • Regardless of your reputation level, start with lower volumes and gradually increase engagement over time to reach your limit organically.

Post publishing limits

While LinkedIn doesn't enforce strict posting limits, excessive posting may trigger spam filters or diminish overall reach. Here are recommended daily posting frequencies:

Reputation Level Recommended Posts per Day
New 1-2
Established 3-5
Trusted 5-7


  • Focus on content quality over quantity: one engaging post typically generates better results than multiple average-quality posts.

Other LinkedIn limits

Category Limit
Total network connections 30,000
Outgoing (pending) connection requests 700
Group memberships 100
Connection request note length 200 characters (Free), 300 (Premium)
Standard message length 8,000 characters
InMail/Sales Navigator subject length 200 characters
InMail/Sales Navigator message length 2,000 characters
Daily job applications 50

This guide reflects common LinkedIn limits based on community knowledge and hands-on experience. It should be used as a reference point rather than official guidance, as actual limits vary by account and may change over time. Experiment carefully with your own limits while monitoring account health and engagement metrics.